As the Scripture readings this weekend proclaim the wonder and scope of the mercy of God revealed in Jesus, the Church prepares for the Season of Lent. Those weeks of prayer, fasting, and service prepare us for the feasts of all feast, the Sacred Triduum, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. As we look forward to and plan for Ash Wednesday and he Season of Lent, we want to let you know that:
On Ash Wednesday, we will be adding a Liturgy of the Word with Distribution of Ashes at 4:00PM. This will be a simple and fairly brief liturgy during which we will hear words from Sacred Scripture to begin this holy season, offer prayers suitable to the day, and impose ashes on all who wish to receive them. Our Diocesan Office for Divine Worship has devised a method of imposing ashes which uses Q-tips which will be discarded after each is used for just one person. We hope that a service scheduled at this time will be more convenient for some, as well as afford us an additional time to gather leaving us more elbow room as required by Covid 19 – related guidelines.
Also, during the Season of Lent we here at St. Peter’s will continue a practice begun last Advent. We will record a Lenten reflection each week here at St. Peter’s that will be made available on line via the Parish website. Additional information will be available in the Parish Bulletin and on the Parish website.
The focus of each week’s reflection will be:
etrayal ... Abandonment ... Encounter ... Sacrifice ... Fidelity... Triumph into Glory.
Whether you are able to join us at the church for our services beginning or throughout Lent or are joining us in spirit at home, may we all grow in ourknowledge of God’s Mercy
and of his Son, Jesus Christ!
Fr. Tom