The opening ceremonies of the Winter or Summer Olympics declare both the international nature of the games and the level playing fields upon which all will compete. The start of the Boston Marathon declares the history of this unique competition and the inclusion of people of all abilities facing the challenges of that same route. A torch, flags, and banners virtually shout, “Let the games begin...we are here!”
The Sacred Scriptures today convey the “shout out” from God... “Let the games begin, for God is here!” These games, of course, are not in the nature of carefully crafted courses and competitions, not in the nature of records that will be given expression in medals around necks nor in records inscribed and archived.
These games are, however, as if not moredemanding of time, energy, practice, constantly evolving strategy, and coordination of team efforts. This is true whether it will be a whole team in the field or a team supporting one person into and through that individual participant’s effort and achievement. All of our yesterdays bring us to today in God’s Presence.
All of our yesterdays bring us to today in God’s Mercy. All of our yesterdays bring us to today – when it is our blessing to be able to say, shout or sing, “We are here!” In Jesus we know that our God has chosen to meet us here, to bless us now, and to strengthen us on the course we are following, or perhaps to right that course if needed. In Jesus we know that our eyes, ears, minds and hearts are being tuned or trained to see, hear, feel and love in ways more fully conformed to God as revealed in the Son who forgave, healed, suffered and died that we might run the course and truly live! The medals will be seen and heard in the lives of those God touches through us.
The records will be inscribed in the Book of Life.
Fr. Tom