It is with a grateful heart and much joy that Iwrite you my first weekly message in our parish bulletin. After 23 years of seminary and priesthood, I am returning home to St. Peter’s Parish as your new pastor. In the plan of God’s Providence, this is where the next chapter of my life and ministry will be.
When I learned that Bishop McManus was sending me here, I was amazed but happy. My journey of faith began at St. Peter’s, in the midst of this community, almost 50 years ago! I am honored to serve in the parish which contributed so much to the growth and development of my Christian faith. While as a young adult here, after volunteering in the parish and serving as a lector, I discerned a vocation to the priesthood which your prayers helped me to fully embrace. I celebrated my first Mass in our church on June 5, 2005. It is incredible that I will now have the opportunity to offer many more Masses at the same altar upon which I celebrated Mass the very first time for all of you.
As I begin ministry at St. Peter’s, I ask for your prayers for success, God’s blessing, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and for much future growth and joy for our parish. I am looking forward to working with you so that, in faith, we may collaborate to make St. Peter’s Parish the very best.
May the good St. Peter intercede for us, protect us, assist us and be ever with us.