Not every parish is as blessed as St. Peter’s Parish. One of our greatest blessings is to have, in our community, Chef Peter Sabourin. Chef Peter’s culinary exploits are legendary, both in Rockdale and beyond! Peter loves to cook and enjoys using his gift to support our parish in an ongoing way. Last weekend, we began selling tickets for Chef Peter’s first meal of the year, which is to be held on Saturday, October 22, beginning after the 4:30 PM Mass. This pork roast dinner will be held on a “to go” basis but future meals, beginning in January, will be available in-person.
I am told that Chef Peter’s meals have been very much loved! Last year, we began the tradition of
having, at these meals, “Pay It Forward” dinners. These dinners are purchased by parishioners for people in our community who are in need. As our first meal of the year approaches, let us consider
who we know that might benefit from a “Pay It Forward” dinner.
Good stewardship involves us using our gifts and talents for the building up of the Church. Chef Peter inspires us to consider what our gifts and talents are and, also, how we can use them to help our parish. The Church functions most fully and best when all her members use what gifts they have and cooperate in the life of the community.
The roast pork meal is $15.00 and includes roast pork, two sides, salad and dessert. In these times of rising costs, it would be challenging to find a better meal around at the price we are offering it. All proceeds of the meal benefit St. Peter’s Parish.