Dear Friends in Christ,
This weekend we celebrate the feast of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. This feast
reminds us that family is the foundation of society and faith practiced in the home makes each family a domestic church.
In this Sunday’s gospel, Joseph and Mary present the infant Jesus to God in the Temple. In this, they acknowledge that the child is a gift from God and that they are grateful for that gift. They also act in obedience to the Law of Israel, making faith the foundation of their family life.
The Church describes Christian families as small “domestic churches.” This means that when faith is the foundation of family life, God is honored and loved in the home through prayer, charity and the practice of the Faith. Parents lead their children through example and act as the first teachers of their children in the ways of faith.
Parish religious education programs act as a support to parents in their Baptismal role as the
primary educators of their children in faith. We remember that at Baptism, parents make a sacred
promise to God to raise their children as practicing Catholics.
The human personality and character of Jesus was formed in the Holy Family’s home in Nazareth. This development shaped Jesus into the person He was. Being prayerful and faithful people, Joseph and Mary instilled virtue in their son and encouraged Him to pray and practice holiness.
As we begin a new year this Monday, may the Feast of The Holy Family inspire our family
relationships in 2024.
On behalf of St. Peter’s Parish Staff, I wish all of you a New Year 2024 filled with God’s blessings of
peace, joy, good health and grace.
In Christ,
Fr. Michael