Dear Friends in Christ,
Happy New Year! As we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent we recognize that a new Church year has begun. Advent invites us to reflect upon new beginnings. These beginnings start with consideration of the focus of the season which is getting ready for the coming of the Lord. During Advent we remember the Lord in His 3 comings: The first, in the flesh, born among us at Christmas; The second, on the last day in human history, at the end of time, as judge of the world;
The third, mysteriously, now, in the people and events of our daily lives.
Am I ready for the coming of the Lord? What does it mean to be ready?
In the gospel for this Sunday, Jesus compares the need of disciples to be ready for His coming to a man going on a journey who leaves his “servants in charge” of his estate. In this comparison, Jesus states “you do not know when the time will come” for the man to return home. He adds “may he not come suddenly and find you sleeping.”
Clearly being ready for the coming of the Lord means being alert. This alertness is compared to complacency or a false sense of security. Spiritual alertness involves a regular life of prayer, participation in the sacramental life of the Church, learning about the Faith and study of it, putting faith into action through charitable efforts and ongoing self-examination. If the Lord may come at
any time, we must be ready at any time for His arrival. The “third coming” of the Lord is His mysterious presence in the people and events of daily life. How aware am I of Jesus visiting me each day? How do I respond to the Lord when I discern His presence in my life?
As we begin Advent, let us rejoice in the grace of new beginnings that God offers us. May we prayerfully focus on preparing ourselves for the Lord’s coming during this holy season of preparation.
In Christ,
Fr. Michael