If you would like to become a Eucharistic Minister or a Lector,
please contact the parish office at 508-234-2156 or speak with Father Michael.
The council meets regularly to go over parish goals and objectives while supporting the needs of ministries and large parish happenings.
Council members: Barbara Ramian, Audra Gaul,
Peter Sabourin, Jeff Roy, Kim Poudrier, Mary Sheehan, Tom Heney
Parish Council Mission Statement
Our Mission is to act as an advisory body to the pastor, sharing with him constructive suggestions so that he may make the vest decisions possible for the parish. As parish council members, we are committed to using our gifts and talents to build up the parish community, act as resources to the pastor and parishioners and actively seek to put our faith into actions through outreach t our community and through efforts at evangelization.
The council meets regularly to discuss parish finances and communicate information to back to the parish. Council members: Thomas Heney, Jeffrey Thibeault, Bob Dziekiewicz, George Murray, James Archibald-ex officio
Help support families who have lost a loved one.
The Bereavement Ministry hosts the reception by setting up, serving the refreshments and luncheon, and cleaning up after. Bakers provide desserts for the luncheon.
If you would like to help, please contact the parish office 508-234-2156 or
speak to our co-hosts Sharon Dupre and Mary Sheehan.
The Northbridge Association of Churches (NAC) was formed in 1978 to create opportunities for all of the Churches in Northbridge & Whitinsville who work together in ministry to serve our community in a variety of different programs & services. Our representative is Jill Krause.
Please contact the parish office 508-234-2156 for more information.
Share your talents and participate in one of many music opportunities at the parish.
Contact: Alice Bucca, Chris Harris, Jim LeClaire 508-234-2156.
The Buildings & Grounds Committee are a group of parishioners who volunteer their time and talents to help maintain and improve our parish grounds and buildings.
They help with the upkeep of our property's exterior and interior spaces.
Please contact the parish office to share your time and talents with us.