Last Sunday’s celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Paul’s Cathedral was a truly inspiring and encouraging moment. The life of our parish and of our Confirmation Candidates gathered with Bishop McManus was a wonderful moment expressing the fullness of the life and meaning of the Church. This weekend we gather with our young parishioners who invite us to be renewed and strengthened with them and their families as they share in our Communion in the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time. They invite us to see with eyes of faith the miracle in which we are privileged to share, to receive and touch with hands blessed by faith to know that Our Lord loves us this much. He renews his Sacrifice for our sake, to embrace us in mind, body and spirit that we might be saved, and that we might renew the face of the earth with him!
In today’s reading from Acts, Saul, the persecutor of Christ and his followers is becoming Paul, Apostle of Christ to the Gentiles. Those who came to faith before him are NOT at all sure of his conversion and eventual transformation. He is held at arm’s length for the harm he has done, and for their inability to believe that, even with God’s grace, so complete a change is possible.
But, in today’s reading from the Gospel of John, Jesus makes it clear that every branch growing or grafted onto the vine that he is, will grow and bear fruit. Apart from him, life fades. Through him, with him, and in him, all is possible! Such life in Communion with Christ might be something we can see coming on the horizon, come closer gradually and understandably. Or, it might be the case that some breathtaking moment of joy or sadness, some great accomplishment or loss brings a heart closer to the Heart that is Life.
Better to be watchful and amazed than clueless and passed by!
Fr. Tom