With prequels andsequels so popular in the modern movie industry, our awareness is perhaps better formed to embrace the spiritual and historical twists and turns of Salvation History than generations before us. Of course, much more on the landscape competes for our attention and our appreciation, so ...
David is the compelling character of the Old Testament who nearly fulfills a lifetime of promise in service as God’s chosen king for his people. We know that David sins and that the promise fulfilled will not rely upon his own, personal ability to be faithful. The fulfillment of God’s promise will occur, however. It will come many generations later, and it will begin to blossom not in the halls of fame and power but in the words of a sacred messenger to a young girl. Her yes, her “fiat,” her “be it done to me according to your word”, is fear shaped by faith.
She and her husband, Joseph, of the house and lineage of David, will do a most difficult thing at a most difficult time. They will go to the City of David as earthly power ordains, and there a child will be born to them and to us, in the midst of poor and imperfect circumstances. The first to known what has happened will be simple shepherds. BUT, from there the race is on! Royal personages, public sinners, rough-hewn fishermen, tax collectors, the blind, the lame ...all will come to know!
Fr. Tom