“ My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:7 Prayer – an individual action, in private or in a community setting.
Prayer – a corporate or communal action, in a unique Church setting or in a public setting in the wider community.
Prayer – a part of or a moment within a larger religious or liturgical setting.
Prayer – an act of praise and thanksgiving or of petition in response to life’s challenges.
Prayer – an effort to align ourselves more fully with God’s grace and God’s will for us, to be more hopefully open to that grace from God as it comes.
Prayer – the desire to know God, and to know ourselves more sincerely as God sees us and knows us.
Prayer is all of this and more. Hopefully prayer leads us to that last point for prayerful consideration – ultimately this is about relationship. Often we pray to God for those with whom we are in relationships, and we pray for the strength and health of those relationships. Right relationship with God is the ground on which we must stand as we consider or approach all others
God’s grace is given – how we appreciate it and filter it into our lives can be revealed and enhanced by how we relate to God, giver of the Covenant that is for us, in Jesus Christ!