"Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid." Matthew 14:23
As we imagine this encounter with the Lord, Peter attempting to make his way to walk with Jesus on water, and the other disciples in the boat shifting from turmoil and fear to the acceptance and peace that comes from recognizing the site and the voice of Jesus , well, can we imagine ourselves truly there?
Nearly two thousand years later there are so many filters through which we look to see, so many filters through which we listen to hear. How can we really know? What does it mean to really know?
On April 12 of this year the Church celebrated the Resurrection of Our Lord. It was very different this year, given the restrictions and limitations required by the experience of COVID19. Great and creative efforts were made to address the filters imposed, and to make it more possible for people to “access” the Church’s mightiest and most important liturgies of the whole year. The Christ, the Son of God is risen, and our life and our hope were renewed!
This coming Saturday the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As Christ, the Son of God is risen, so Mary, his Mother is protected from any form of decay as her life on earth ends. Christ’s Resurrection occasions our worship and our thanksgiving because he is the font of life for all. In her Assumption, Mary is a sign of hope for us all that what is accomplished in Christ is not merely a cause of admiration and wonder. It is a gift beyond measure for her, and it is to be a gift beyond measure for us who are found faithful to his mercy. Mary, under this title, is honored and joined in prayer and ministry at cathedrals and basilicas around the world, and in parishes and vowed or consecrated religious communities of every nation, tongue and race. In her, ALL lives matter.
Though not normally here on Saturday morning, and there normally is not a Mass here at
St. Peter’s, I will be here to celebrate Mass at 8:00am on Saturday, August 15th for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This filter does not diminish but sharpens our perception on her Son, his Victory, and his Call!