Last Saturday, we enjoyed celebrating a treasured tradition at St. Peter’s, our annual holiday fair (bazaar). We were blessed by great attendance, wonderful raffle items, a great community spirit and excellent food. Apart from the fair being a needed fundraiser, it is a yearly opportunity for the parish and community to gather together. Our dedicated team of volunteers spent hours preparing for this event and worked tirelessly to ensure its success. We are grateful to the Bazaar Committee and all parishioners and friends that made our fair possible. We also are thankful for all parishioners who supported the event in any way.
Soon, the holiday season will be upon us! We begin to observe that season here at St. Peter’s with
our Senior Thanksgiving Dinner, to be held next Saturday, November 18, at noon in the parish hall. As our announcements indicate, we are currently in need of more volunteers to serve the meal. We also need several more families to cook turkeys for the event. A sign-up sheet is available in the gathering area for those who can help. As with the success of the Holiday Fair, our Thanksgiving Dinner is dependent upon the generosity of parishioners with their time, talent and gifts. Prayerfully consider helping your parish this year at the Senior Dinner.
As Thanksgiving draws closer, we are also mindful of those in our community less fortunate than ourselves. Some families are currently still in need of supermarket gift cards for their Thanksgiving meals which, this year, we will be giving them in lieu of Thanksgiving food baskets.
Help them with your charity in this effort. Blessings to you as we continue to grow together as a
parish community in faith, hope and love.
In Christ,
Fr. Michael