Dear Friends in Christ,
These past several weeks have been hot, humid and uncomfortable. The “fiery” temperatures have been difficult for everyone, especially for those who work outdoors. During this heat wave, we have appreciated air conditioning like never before and have had greater gratitude about having access to enough water and cold drinks to keep us hydrated.
Jesus and His disciples certainly understood being hot and uncomfortable. Although they sometimes were in Israel’s north, which was more temperate, Jesus and His followers often were in the arid, desert south. As they daily were outdoors in the heat, they undoubtedly knew thirst and exhaustion. In His last hours, Jesus endured physical pain, suffering, exertion and heat as He carried His Cross and was crucified.
Our experience of ever-changing temperature, weather and seasons is part of our human condition. Jesus, being fully human, lived through these changes as part of His daily life. Jesus therefore understands us and asks us to allow our sufferings to help us to understand His life more. Indeed, Jesus endured all the sufferings of His life for us. All the heat, cold, hunger, thirst, discomfort and exhaustion that Jesus went through during His life and ministry He freely undertook for our salvation.
As this Summer continues to unfold and we face more extreme heat or storms, let us remember that Jesus also endured these difficulties. Let us reflect on what He did for us and may our experience of suffering bring us ever closer to Jesus in faith and love.