Dear Friends in Christ,
As we conclude the month of January, we begin something new at our church, namely offering the
Sacrament of The Sick after all Masses on the fourth weekend of each month. We are initiating this new practice so that those in need of healing may receive God’s graces and consolations.
The Sacrament of The Sick used to be called extreme unction and was offered only to those who
were dying or in danger of death. After the Vatican II reforms, however, the Sacrament is still offered to the dying but also is available to the elderly, the infirm, the disabled, those preparing for surgery or those coping with ongoing chronic disease. The Sacrament strengthens the sick person with God’s grace and bestows upon them God’s gift of healing.
Those wanting to receive the Sacrament of The Sick after Mass are asked to remain in their pews.
After I greet people at the doors, I will come to the front of the church and begin the brief anointing service. Servers will assist me as I anoint each person.
It is my hope that parishioners will take advantage of this new opportunity to know God’s care and mercy in their lives. I am often called to bring the Sacrament of The Sick to those who are infirm in
their homes, hospitals or institutions. If parishioners are aware of people who need the Sacrament but cannot come to church to receive it, please let me know so that we can arrange an appointment.
May God pour out His grace upon us as we seek outwith new enthusiasm
the Sacraments of His Church.
In Christ,
Fr. Michael