Dear Friends in Christ,
The word epiphany means ‘manifestation’ and this feast celebrates the manifestation of Christ as the one, true God to all the world. In the Epiphany gospel, the ‘world’ is represented by the three kings, or magi, who visit the infant Christ at Bethlehem.
One slogan related to Epiphany that I have enjoyed reading is ‘Wise men still seek Him!” This slogan reminds us that the biblical notion of wisdom is not high intelligence. Rather, it is fear of the Lord. Thus, true wisdom consists in seeking God with all of our hearts.
But, what is ‘fear of the Lord’? The Catechism of The Catholic Church tells us that it is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are “permanent dispositions which make (us) docile in following the promptings of the Holy Spirit.” Fear of the Lord is not terror of His punishment. Rather it is awe and great respect for God shown by those who believe in Him.
This is why the wise men were really wise. They werein awe of God and all of His works and wanted to give Him honor, love, and obedience. All of this was born of their great faith which inspired them to embark on an incredibly difficult journey, far from home, wrought with potential dangers.
How can we seek the Lord with more vigor and faith this year? How can we grow closer to Him in true wisdom? As we begin 2024, may the wise men inspire our journey of faith.
In Christ,
Fr. Michael