Dear Friends in Christ,
On this Second Sunday of Advent, we hear the words of the Prophet Isaiah calling us to conversion “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths.” Where is the ‘way’ that we must ‘prepare’ for the Lord? As Christians, we recognize that it is within us, in our hearts.
How do we do this? A prayerful, closer reading of the gospel tells us clearly. In Mark 1:8, St. John the Baptist says “I have baptized you with water; He will Baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” Through these words, St. John identifies Jesus as the One who will establish the Seven Sacraments of the Church and make them grace-bearing. It would be Jesus’ saving death that would give the sacraments their power to heal, cleanse and restore the souls of God’s faithful.
Advent is a time for introspection, reflection, examination of conscience and repentance. Amidst the busyness of the “holiday season,” God calls us to quiet, asking us to be still in His presence. It is in this stillness that God speaks to our hearts, making us aware of His love for us and inviting us to remove any obstacles that keep us from a closer friendship with Him. As we listento God’s voice, speaking to us through our consciences, we recognize our need to seek out God’s grace,
available to us through the Sacrament of Penance. Through penance and absolution, we prepare the way of the Lord in our hearts. Sin, which separates us from God, is removed from us and we can experience the joy of the children of God. In this new freedom, God’s mercy is poured out upon us and we know the love of God for us more amazingly.
I will be holding Confessions in preparation for Christmas between the Sunday Masses on December 17th from 9:30am-10:30am. I invite all parishioners to take advantage of the grace available through the Sacrament at this time. If you need Confession but cannot come on December 17th, we can make an appointment or meet at the regular Saturday Confession time, at 3:30pm, prior to the 4:30pm Mass.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
In Christ,
Fr. Michael