Dear Friends in Christ, On the Second Sunday of Easter, the Church joyfully celebrates the feast of Divine Mercy. On this day we recall the merciful love of the Father for us and seek His grace so that we may live holy lives. The gospel for this Sunday shows us God’s mercy in an incredible way. In John 20:19-31, the Risen Christ visits the apostles on Easter night. His greeting reflects His love when He declares “Peace be with you!.” Although we know God loves us, Jesus’ address to His friends is still surprising. We remember that only St. John was with Jesus when He died. The other apostles had abandoned Him. Simon Peter had publicly denied knowing Jesus on Holy Thursday night and Judas had betrayed Jesus to His enemies. When Jesus needed His friends the most, they were not there for Him. Looking honestly at these circumstances, we could understand if Jesus reprimanded His friends for their disloyalty after His Resurrection. Yet, that is not what happened. Instead, Jesus gave them what they did not deserve…His forgiveness. On Divine Mercy Sunday, we rejoice in our God’s great love show to us in Jesus Christ. Through the Sacrament of Penance, God’s heart is open to us, offering merciful forgiveness and healing. As you leave church today, take a little time to observe the beautiful image of Divine Mercy that is hung near the front doors. This image reminds us that we all need mercy for we are all sinners. As Jesus readily gives His mercy to those who ask for it, so He teaches us that we too must be merciful. In Christ, Fr. Michael