Dear Friends in Christ,
As the days of February begin, we can say, happily, that Spring begins next month! Most of us look
forward to the advent of warmer temperatures, better weather and seeing new life appear in nature all around us.
This Spring, for the first time, St. Peter’s Parish is pleased to announce a brand new community event and fundraiser meant to defray the costs of parish religious education ministry. On June 3, from 7:30am-3:00pm, we will be hosting our first annual Parish Yard Sale and Vendor Fair on the church’s front lawn. The event will include a large outdoor yard sale, table rentals, food, activities for children and a St. Peter’s Parish “Youth Booth” where our young people will sell crafts and goodies they have made to benefit our parish.
Starting this month, the parish will begin accepting donated items for the yard sale. The bulletin this week includes an insert which details items accepted and not accepted for the sale. To donate items, please call the Rectory. Several teams of parish men are ready to come over and
pick up items for you which will be stored until the yard sale date. Kindly spread the word to family
members and friends who are moving, breaking house, cleaning out or “downsizing” that
St. Peter’s is a good, local cause to donate items to.
Although some parishioners have already volunteered to help with the sale, we invite you to
consider helping out in some way with picking up items now or later cleaning, sorting, pricing, setting up or cleaning up after the sale. More details on this will be made available to you in the weeks ahead. We look forward to planning for this new event in our community.
Thank you for your continued support of St. Peter’s Parish.
In Christ, Fr. Michael