Dear Friends in Christ,
This Sunday’s Gospel tells us about the beginnings of Jesus’ public ministry and features a highlight of these beginnings, namely Jesus calling the first disciples to follow Him. Peter and Andrew were professional fishermen, probably the latest in a long family tradition of fishing who had inherited fishing rights from their ancestors. Yet, when Jesus called both of them they did not hesitate, St. Matthew tells us that they “at once…left their nets and followed Him.” Why would they be so quick to abandon their old lives for the life of discipleship?
Perhaps the brothers realized that making money and continuing their family’s business was not all there was to life. Jesus offered them something much more valuable, something their hearts yearned for but could never find.
We are all, as Christians, called by Christ like Peter and Andrew. We first hear this call when we are Baptized. Through Baptism, the seed of faith takes root in our souls and, if it is nurtured, grows to maturity as we age. Our life of prayer, formation in faith and participation in the Church’s Sacramental life helps us to know our vocation which is the specific plan God has for our lives. What is God calling us to do with our lives? Have we asked Him to show us His plan for us?
As Peter and Andrew were called to Christ in discipleship, Christ called them away from other things…Sin, lukewarmness in faith, worldly concern, distractions from God, unholy ways of thinking and being in the world and all that would keep them from the gift of eternal life that He was offering them. From this gospel we learn that when Christ calls us to Himself we have to leave anything that keeps us from Him behind.
As we reflect upon this Sunday’s Gospel, let us pray that we may respond to the call of Christ to deeper friendship, in the affirmative, with all of our hearts.
In Christ, Fr. Michael