It is encouraging to see the care that the parishioners of St. Peter’s have for our parish. During the past several weeks, I have seen you carrying out familiar roles and volunteer duties with joy. Behind these actions, motivated by faith, is a real love for this community. Your helpfulness and generosity are what makes St. Peter’s the wonderful place that it is.
On the weekend of July 9, young people from Boy Scout Troop 155, parents and volunteers, cleared the hill in front of the church from overgrowth. This was an Eagle Scout Project for Colin Gava, one of our altar servers, which was planned during Fr. Tom’s tenure and implemented soon after my arrival. The parents and young people doing the project shared with me that day that while they were working, neighborhood residents and parishioners stopped by and commented about how much they liked how the property looked after the project was completed. I could tell that they appreciated these comments. It was hard work to do and it was done well. I learned that the group will return in the Fall to re-plant vegetation and apply weedkiller. Now that the hill has been cleared of overgrowth, all can see the front of our beautiful church as well as a sign identifying that church and property as belonging to ‘St. Peter’s Parish.’
Our care for our parish property reflects our love for our parish. When a church, buildings and grounds look well kept it means that the community truly cares! This care is inviting and positive.
I would like to thank Colin Gava and the members of Boy Scout Troop 155, parents and volunteers, Strategic Environmental Systems from Sutton, Koopmans Lumber from Whitinsville, Northbridge House of Pizza, and Nydam Landscaping for their hard work on the hill-clearing. We are grateful for their willingness to help our parish. We ask that the good St. Peter watch over them, help them and intercede for them so that they obtain God’s choicest blessings.