Dear Friends in Christ,
With our celebration of the First Sunday of Advent, a new church year begins. Advent is a time of new beginnings and of preparation for the coming of Christ. The deep blue-purple liturgical color of Advent reminds us also that the season is penitential. Preparing our hearts for Christ’s coming means examining them, with the help of the Holy Spirit, and discovering what in our lives must change so that we become more Christ-like.
Advent is also a time of special Marian devotion. During this brief season, we prayerfully watch and wait with Our Lady for the birth of the Christ child. Mary’s “YES” to God at the Annunciation allowed God’s plan to unfold in her life and in the life of the world. Though she did not understand how it could happen, Mary trusted in God’s faithfulness and goodness. Her obedience to God’s will makes Mary an example of faith for all Christians.
During Advent, we hear about three comings of Christ: The first, in time, on Christmas; The second, at the end of time, on the Last Day in human history, when Christ returns to earth for judgment; The third, Christ’s visitation of us in daily life, through the people we meet and the experiences we have. It is this third coming that is the most difficult to discern. Advent gives us a new opportunity to see Christ more clearly in our lives.
As we begin Advent 2022, let us consider beginning a simple but important spiritual exercise. As we awaken each morning and start our day, let us pray “Lord, prepare me to meet you when you visit me today in the people and experiences of my life.” This prayer alerts us to the fact that we will meet the Lord in the course of our day. It also helps us to be watchful for His presence and to be ready to respond, in charity, when we meet Him. May God open our hearts anew to His Advent grace.
In Christ, Fr. Michael